Saturday, June 16, 2007

Who wants to be The President (of India)

Every now and then as bollywood goes into a slumber the Indian politicians put together exciting games that interests the country as a whole without any regional barrier. As the political parties in India start the president game, many players will come and go until they find the one who can play the president role to their liking.

The president Of India is given the Honour of being the country's first citizen, In Addition he/she also plays part as the supreme commander of the armed forces of the country. India has had many presidents in the past who had lived up to the role and been a Model citizen. India's first president Rajendra prasad is such a great man and remembered even today for his contributions.

In the recent bygone days many new names have been proposed. However the question is not which party's candidate will win, but it is rather how badly will the people lose. Without discrediting anyone proposed or the proposer, My thoughts are that the current president Dr Abdul kalam played the role of a Model citizen quite perfectly. He was not elected just because he had got the desired votes, rather he was voted because he had the desired credentials for the role and he elected himself to his role by his contributions to the country.

The current day political setup has shown that the presidential role is merely constitutional, and is more as a reflection of the party the elected belongs to. Do we need a president who act as a mere puppet to the ruling party, some one like that would be abusing one of the more important powers vested with the president, which is the power to intervene with policy decisions. A bill cannot be passed until it is signed by the president. Given that in our country laws are made for political gains, the winner of the presidential game would have much to benefit.

Who do you as a Indian citizen and a reader of this post think should be the president? Would you have some one from a political outfit or someone from other walks of life who have contributed significantly to the country's betterment?
Please leave your thoughts as a comment.


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